A feature that can be used in different ways depending on the outlook, whether you want to see what a number of coaches have in common in their backgrounds to establish which one of these coaches isn’t like the others, or to find the coach you didn’t know about. Coaching DNA shows you what common traits are most prevalent in the pool of coaches, allowing you to use the search function to find everyone else in the country that fulfills those criteria, not just the 5 coaches you and your buddies already know.
Everyone knows that success and performance can be very dependent on who a coach has worked with in their career. The Coaching Tree gives you LITERALLY every other coach a coach has ever worked with. It’s like a reference list on steroids. One of the biggest problems with hiring coaches is that you don’t know everyone. We all go to the convention every year realizing we know more coaches than we think. This feature shows you all your personal connections that might only be one or two degrees removed. It makes the personal side of your research much more efficient.
A user can add up to 10 search filters to find only the coaches they are looking for. Conferences, schools, age, salary range, years of experience, job titles, statistical performance, etc. It's all here. Whether you know exactly who you're looking for, or you just want to find everyone that matches certain criteria, MyNextCoach will give you the answers you've been spending hours, days and weeks looking for.
Consider this a scratch pad of all the guys your want to keep in one place. You might keep track of where your closest allies are; you might want to keep a short list of coaches for potential open positions on staff, you might want to simply use it to use it as an organizer. My Coaches are saved in your account and will always be there for your to add to or subtract from and quickly compare those coaches to each other.